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Sometimes, our path crosses that of craftsmen who are committed to offering, like us, items that meet specific needs. At Volprivé we make quality accessories for your travels and your everyday moments of relaxation, and we are proud to share this philosophy with some of these craftsmen.

CAP on summer! Collaboration Nil.apparel

The baseball cap . I love ! The favorite object of young people, like the oldest, women, like men. Worn forwards and backwards, it covers well-furnished heads, as well as those that are less so. I don't know at what age I started wearing one, but to cover myself from the sun and hide my hair, it's essential!

I met Vincent Marceau from Nil Apparel in his studio in Montreal . He makes beautiful caps there from organic cotton . Why resist? I asked him to make one for Volprivé. Elegant dark brown leather strap, embossed with our logo for a custom look that I really like. And what about the beautiful finish? The strap adjusts and fits into the finish of the cap for an impeccable unisex look and comfort . Why deprive yourself?

We offer 3 colors : A beautiful dark gray like winter in Montreal (Montreal Gray) - An immaculate white like the houses in Greece (White VP) and a bright blue like the sky of Hawaii, incomparable beauty (Bleu Maui) . They are machine washable and air dry quickly.

We “déconfine”, we go outside and we wear a CAP cap from Volprivé .

Link to CAP Volprivé by Nil.apparel.

COMPRESSION stockings, so many benefits! EC3D collaboration

I no longer do without my pairs of compression stockings (socks). I wear them during the long hours spent on a plane or standing in front of my cutting table. What about long morning jogs as the body warms up and doesn't shy away from good support for the ankles and calves .

Wearing medical grade compression stockings helps relieve pain and prevent symptoms of venous insufficiency such as swollen legs, heavy leg sensation, sore calves, varicose veins, ulcers, night cramps as well as the formation of clots of thrombosis or phlebitis. Because prevention is cure...

To design our COMPRESSION stockings, I asked Patrick Fortin EC3D from Laval to make long stockings that cover the entire calf and match our collections, including Marine Londres and Gris Montréal.

The COMPRESSION stocking is medical grade, with calibrated and graduated compression 20-25 mmHg. For optimal efficiency, measure the calf well at its widest part, and choose according to the following grades: Size 2: 11-12.5 in - Size 3: 12.5-14.5 in - Size 4: 14 ,5-16.5 in - Size 5: 16.5-19 in. Made of 85% nylon and 15% lycra for perfect durability and comfort.

And it works! Try the COMPRESSION bottom and you'll thank me later!

Link to the bottom COMPRESSION by EC3D.

SPA and ZEN scented candles - hours of happiness! Collaboration Lilly&Grace

Did you know that it is possible to travel with candles? In the hold, as in your cabin baggage, solid candles are permitted. Their small size of 6 oz and 8 oz makes them excellent gifts, easy to slip into suitcases. And what about the comfort of finding our favorite fragrance a thousand miles from home?

When my friend Dyane Peat, from Lilly&Grace, who makes fabulous candles by hand from her workshop in Rosemère, Quebec, offered to make an exclusive series of them in pretty metal containers for Volprivé, I couldn't resist. .

The result? The SPA - 6 oz scented candle with eucalyptus aromas , and its big sister ZEN - 8 oz with the soothing scent of lavender . Made with premium essential oils and soy wax , SPA and ZEN scented candles are little jars of happiness that provide long, languorous hours of relaxation.

Link to SPA and ZEN by Lilly&Grace.

Welcome to the world of Volprivé!

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